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A Chorister’s Prayer

This piece is one that the Boys and Girls Choir worked on earlier this year before the pandemic, “A Chorister’s Prayer” by Bruce Neswick, the cathedral organist in Portland, OR. The text is written by Sir Sydney Nicholson, the founder of the Royal School of Church Music. It is the prayer with which we close every rehearsal, on Wednesday

New Podcast Episode: A Conversation with Dr. Scott Morris

This conversation between the Rev. Scott Walters and Dr. Scott Morris is the latest in our podcast series with Lenten Preaching Series speakers and other faith leaders, authors, and creative thinkers around the world. Dr. Scott Morris describes himself as “a one-note guy” who focuses on the link between faith and health. He believes that to follow Jesus, Christians

New Podcast Episode with the Rev. Fletcher Harper

Looking for ways to create positive change in the world even during a pandemic? Look no further than this interview between Heidi Rupke and the Rev. Fletcher Harper, the latest in our series of Lenten Preaching Series podcasts highlighting the work of faith leaders, authors, and creative thinkers. The Rev. Fletcher Harper is an Episcopal priest and the executive

Homeless During the Pandemic

How Calvary Episcopal Church and the Hospitality Hub are Working Together 

by Susanne Darnell

Although I am a member of that group described as “vulnerable” who has been isolated here at Trezevant Manor since March 13, I want to share with you what I know about Calvary members and The Hospitality Hub staff serving the homeless in downtown Memphis. Learning this

Return to Calvary Update

The response to last week’s Return to Calvary survey was wonderful. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.


What we learned is that some of us are ready to return to worship and some of us are not. This is very much to be expected. Please know that we are committed to continuing online live-stream worship indefinitely.

Being Caring and Careful

by the Rev. Scott Walters


If the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us anything, it is that our lives are deeply interdependent. I am proud to be a part, along with our bishop, of a diverse group of interfaith leaders who speak as one, encouraging congregations to be caring, careful, and to go slow in their plans to reopen.


Memphis Faith

Returning to Calvary

by Rector Scott Walters


During the spread of COVID-19 in our world, planning even for the near future has been a difficult and elusive process. But I want you to know our plan for returning to worship at Calvary, as it stands today.


First of all, we do not know when that return will happen. But we do know who will

Calvary receives Community Foundation Grant

The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis generously awarded $10,000 to Calvary Episcopal Church to assist with food, clothing, and hygiene products for our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness during this difficult time.


Calvary is still serving breakfast to 180 neighbors each Sunday, through physical distancing in the alley behind the church. Over 100 of these guests

A Med Student’s Act of Service

by Chelsea Ross Miller


He shuffled through the sliding doors to the Emergency Department and stopped at my podium to be screened for entrance into the hospital. He was elderly in his 80’s, and his tired blue eyes matched the color of the mask he wore.  I asked, “How can I help you, sir?”


He stated, “I was called by my

New Podcast Episode with Jemar Tisby

This conversation between the Rev. Paul McLain and Jemar Tisby is among the first in our podcast series with Lenten Preaching Series speakers and other faith leaders, authors, and creative thinkers around the world. Jemar Tisby is the author of The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism.