


Realm brings our church community online. You can manage your personal and contact information, donate, see your giving history, and connect easily with others in the congregation—all from a computer or mobile device. A private environment only for our church, Realm requires each user to log in with an email address and a password.

Online Church Directory

Calvary parishioners now have access to an online church directory! Your directory profile includes your contact information, photo, family members, personal information (e.g. birthday, marital status, etc.), and connected social media accounts. You have complete control over what data you would like to be displayed on your church directory profile. By keeping your information current, you are helping our staff, group leaders, and our church community. Your profile enables you to update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, replace that outdated family photo. See the privacy statement below for more info.

Online Giving


Review your giving history or make a new donation online or from your mobile phone. Simply sign in to look over your year-to-date giving, check pledge progress, print a contribution statement, or make a new one-time or recurring donation. It’s always available and kept secure in an easy-to-use online environment.

Get the Mobile App

Stay connected to our church wherever you go by downloading the Connect – Our Church Community app for iPhone and Android devices. Click on the app store below to download our app today!




  1. You have complete control over who can see your contact information.
  2. Contact information is never public or searchable on the Internet. Any information you elect to make visible to our church family is always protected behind a login.
  3. Authorized staff will always have access to your information.
  4. You and certain authorized staff may update your profile information. In some cases, your group leader may update your contact information if you have made it visible to group leaders.
  5. For safety reasons, sharing contact and personal information for children under 18 is limited. Parents determine whether or not to display their child’s name in the church directory.
  6. Children under 13 may not participate and will not be able to sign in.


By default, the viewing of your contact and personal information is limited to members of groups you are in, group leaders, and staff members. If you choose to, however, you can make your information visible to the entire church. But if you prefer to be more private, you can customize how people see specific information. (If you are a group leader or host an event, certain contact information may be visible regardless of the setting you choose.)
  • CONTACT INFORMATION:  Name, Address, Phones, and Email
  • PERSONAL INFORMATION:  Marital Status, Family Position, Member Status, but you also have the option of sharing your gender, birthday (year and age will not be displayed on your directory profile), allergy information, and skills with people in our church.


  • EVERYONE – like a church directory listing, everyone in our church will be able to see whatever profile information is marked visible to everyone.
  • MY GROUPS + GROUP LEADERS + CHURCH STAFF – This setting means information will only be shared with the people you are involved with at church. This is the default setting.
  • GROUP LEADERS + CHURCH STAFF – You would use this setting if you wanted to keep some profile information hidden from anyone who is not a group leader or on staff.
  • CHURCH STAFF ONLY – This setting effectively removes you from the church directory. Your information will only be available to authorized church staff. (While you can hide the majority of your information from most of our church, you should know that, regardless of your settings, contact data will still be visible to certain members of our church staff.)
  • CUSTOM PRIVACY – Choose different privacy levels for specific contact fields and personal information. You can do this in two places: when you edit your profile information or when you manage your privacy settings. (The Directory page shows all individuals who have a login, along with individuals without a login who have been opted-in to the directory. Currently, individuals with a login cannot opt out of being listed in the directory.)


A family member with a primary position such as “Head” or “Spouse” can change privacy setting for other members of the family and opt family members into the church directory.
Birthdays are required for children (as a means to prohibit access), but it is up to you if you want to share their birth date with our church family.