Giving at Calvary is a way to invest in Calvary’s mission and ministries. It is our hope that as you think about giving and reflect on God’s love and our call to share that love with others, that you will consider new ways you can invest your time, talent, and treasure in making God’s love visible in downtown Memphis through this great place. Every one of us counts and it takes all of us to carry out Calvary’s mission.
Calvary is able to take direct payments from your checking account or credit card.
To do this through Realm, click the 2024 Pledge Card button above and log into your account. Once you have entered your pledge, you can go here: and set up your payment frequency and method. Be sure to choose the correct start date for your pledge.
OR, simply authorize us to charge your checking account monthly for a set amount payable to Calvary Church. Amounts will be charged on the 15th of each month. Please print a copy of the pledge card, check the box titled “Electronic Funds Transfer,” and mail it, along with a voided check, to:
Steve Smith
Calvary Episcopal Church
102 N. 2nd St.
Memphis, TN 38103
Your continued generous giving to God through Calvary Church is deeply appreciated.