
Cloud of Witnesses

by the Rev. Buddy Stallings


As I write this note to you on All Saints’ Day, I am keenly aware of two things that, though they have nothing to do with saints, major or minor, have invaded my consciousness this afternoon. One is the amount of leftover Halloween candy, which presents the question of how much of my life I

Ghosts in a Bottle

by the Rev. Scott Walters


“God did not become a movement, a concept, an ideal, or even a committee, but a man of flesh and bone with a parentage, friends, a language, a country, a home. He inhabited not just a time but places, streets, rooms, countrysides, and by his presence in the flesh he changed them all.”
– Aidan

The Spirituality of Decluttering

by the Rev. Paul McLain


“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: . . . a time to seek, and a time to lose: a time to keep, and a time to throw away.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6)


As we enter this season in which we reflect upon stewardship, it is a good time to

Just Sit

by the Ven. Mimsy Jones


“Sometimes I sits and think; and sometimes I just sits.”

         -Satchel Paige


Two interesting aspects of my life have converged this month. One is that I am preparing a series of meditations for a weekend silent retreat at St. Columba Retreat Center at the end of October. The other is that my favorite baseball team, the

Nurture Self

by the Rev. Paul McLain


Many years ago, a grief counselor ended our session by handing me a two-word prescription: ‘Nurture self.’ While that might not seem like a lot, it was amazing how seeing those two words on a little Rx prescription sheet gave me the permission and freedom to seek out activities (or space or silence) that would

Troubling Redemption

by the Rev. Scott Walters


Last Monday I decided to buy a bike rack for our car on Facebook Marketplace. If you’re not familiar with this corner of the social media universe, imagine Amazon taking over the classified section in your hometown newspaper. Got it?


Well, I found a three-bike hitch-mount Yakima rack for $105 plus shipping. Not

Remembering a Holy Terror, and other teachers

by the Ven. Mimsy Jones


As another school year gets underway, I am remembering teachers who formed as well as informed me, beginning with my eleventh grade English teacher whose name was Miss McGing but was known to us students as the Holy Terror.


Short and stocky, with the zeal of a prize-fighter, Miss McGing taught English with a fiery passion.

Grace on 9/11

by the Rev. Buddy Stallings


Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the events now forever known simply as 9/11. Anyone, who is at least thirty years old, remembers where he/she was that day. Living in San Francisco and an inveterate early riser even then, I was just waking as a friend called to say, “Have you turned on the television?”

Tumbling Lessons

by the Rev. Scott Walters


Here’s the way it happened. True story. We were carrying 2x4s and buckets of nails and scraps of tin down a zig-zagging path into a ravine in Pokot country far out in the Kenyan bush. The plan was to extend a dam to capture more rainwater, which would help both people and livestock

The ‘Dangerous’ Road

by the Ven. Mimsy Jones


Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.
    “The Tables Turned” by William Wordsworth (1770-1850)


Near the house where I stay in Maine, there is a tree-lined dirt road that winds up, down, and around the bay below.  The road is barely wide enough for two oncoming cars to scoot past each