by Sarah Squire
This past Sunday, right before I stood up to sing the anthem, I saw my niece Abby Trott standing there as an acolyte, taking a crack at being a server. I was absolutely beaming that Abby has been taking on the reigns of our self-confessed hardcore acolyting family tradition. My two sisters and I grew up as
by James Aldinger
Each one of us has a unique story of what brought us to Calvary. For me, I was 35 years old when I started attending Calvary. At that time, my parents had both been diagnosed with Dementia, and my life was turned upside down because I became their primary caregiver at such a young age. My spiritual
Calvary has been a wonderfully visible fixture in downtown Memphis for almost two centuries. It has been a refuge for those who need spiritual refreshment and Christian community and a force for justice and change. But what may be less visible is the way Calvary’s mission is sustained year after year, decade after decade. You are probably approached regularly
by Crady Schneider
I don’t remember the first time I entered Calvary Church. My mother was raised Catholic, my father Episcopalian, and when they had me, they switched from the Catholic Church to the Episcopal Church because the Episcopal Church offered a nursery (for those that know them, yes, this is really why).
by Suzanne Henley
The last thing my psychologist said before my release after the eighth and final week of my hospitalization for major depression and anxiety was, “Well, Suzanne, we’ve tried everything there is. You might want to give God a chance.” I did not have the emotional energy to even be mad at what I considered a totally inappropriate
by Bill Haltom
I first set first foot in Calvary Episcopal Church some 40 years ago, thinking I was headed to a Waffle House or an International House of Pancakes. Stay with me, please, because I promise I am not making this up. I was in my first year of law practice, a baby lawyer, working in a downtown office
Identifying candidates to serve on the vestry, the governing board of our parish, is one of the most important tasks of our faith community. Members of the vestry act as agents of the parish in all matters involving parish property and assets and assisting the parish in its planning and in leadership. A candidate for vestry should exhibit personal
Beginning Sunday, Sept. 8, Calvary’s Parish Breakfast, available from 8:45-9:45 each Sunday morning, will move to the Great Hall. Enjoy some of the same great breakfast items, including eggs, grits, and more, for $5/adults; $3/children; $20/family max. All proceeds from Calvary’s Parish Breakfast help support the Community Breakfast, a hot meal served to 175 of our neighbors experiencing homelessness
The Fall issue of the Chronicle features Fall formation offerings and ministry opportunities as well as a spotlight on Calvary’s Camino pilgrimage, an article from Rector Scott Walters, and more.
The Chronicle newsletter is published four times a year and includes events and stories of how Calvary is making God’s love visible in downtown Memphis.
by the Rev. Scott Walters
My flight had already been twice delayed, and the chances of making my connection in Houston were dwindling. I decided it might be best for everyone involved if I paused with a glass of beer on my way to gate A33. The pleasant woman behind the bar slid the drink