The Rev. Canon Marianne Wells Borg – Calvary Episcopal Church

The Rev. Canon Marianne Wells Borg

The Rev. Canon Marianne Wells Borg

  • The Rev. Canon Marianne Wells Borg
  • 03/16/2023
  • 29:23

The Rev. Canon Borg was not raised in the church and lived outside the US (and a conventional Christian culture) until she was eight. At age 26 she had a compelling experience reading the Gospels. That interaction began an unsettling and transformational journey into Christianity and its traditions. At age 40 Borg was ordained in the Episcopal church, which has remained her spiritual home for 32 years. Her commitment to her faith requires continual rethinking and reimagining what Christianity is and why it matters. She is very concerned about the future of Christianity, particularly American Christianity. Borg’s adult formation has been profoundly shaped by the life and work of her late husband (the scholar Dr. Marcus J. Borg), the South African Bush, the horse, and the work of John D. Caputo. She hosts a monthly virtual gathering called the Second Saturday Conversation that explores Christianity in and for the 21st century.