An event every week that begins at 11:00 am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, repeating until April 1, 2023
It’s been 94 years since plates were piled up with waffles, chicken hash, and fish pudding at Calvary’s first Waffle Shop in Lent of 1928. For all that’s changed in our world since then, Memphians still stream to Calvary each year for these three dishes, as well as more “recent” additions such as shrimp mousse, tomato aspic, and Tennessee bourbon pie. Why some of these might not have been on the menu even as long as you’ve been alive! But Waffle Shop has become the ultimate annual comfort food for many, so we are pleased to let you know that it will be up and running again in 2023!
Dining will be offered in person in the Mural Room on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups of 10+ can make reservations in advance by calling 901-525-6602. To-Go meals will be offered.