
A Song in My Heart

by Robyn M. Banks, Director of Communications


Have you ever woken up with a song in your heart? I first noticed it happening not too long after my husband Bill’s diagnosis. I would have a song stuck in my head first thing in the morning…a song I didn’t recall hearing at any time in the preceding days. And when I would inevitably begin singing the song aloud, I would usually laugh at the relevance of the lyrics.


It happened again this morning. I was rifling through my closet, trying to decide what to wear, when the song “One day at a time, sweet Jesus…” came out of my mouth. Considering I have only listened to Christmas music for the past month, I know I haven’t heard this song recently. Plus, it’s not exactly the genre of music I usually listen to…no offense to you Cristy Lane fans.


Of course, I laughed because if that’s not a message I needed to hear today, I don’t know what is. This is a hard time of year for me. Bill died on December 23, 2021. So, these days tend to be filled with memories of what that December was like two years ago. Then, everything was definitely one day (sometimes an hour or minute!) at a time. And last year seemed to only be about surviving the season—getting through that first anniversary.


When I stopped to think about what “one day at a time” means for me right now, it’s no longer “surviving” each day but rather living each day…being present, noticing, and appreciating all that is happening around me, not taking these days of wonder and anticipation for granted.


Mary has always had a special place in my faith story. I grew up Roman Catholic, and we talked about Mary a lot. I imagine Mary must have felt the full range of emotions when an angel appeared to inform her she would give birth to the son of God. But with courage and faith, she said yes. And then she traveled to be with her cousin, Elizabeth, helping and being present with her as she prepared to give birth to John (the Baptist).


Mary had a song in her heart: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.” And it seems she spent the days leading up to Jesus’s birth noticing and being present, too. 


Whether rejoicing in God or trying to take things “One day at a time, sweet Jesus,” I believe there is room for all on this journey. What song is in your heart in these remaining days of Advent?

31 thoughts on “A Song in My Heart”

  1. “One day at a time sweet Jesus” my kinda song. It takes the fear and apprehension out of the “now”. Your writing this helped so many people, including me. Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reflection and invitation, Robyn. I just had a wonderful five minutes at my desk listening to this lovely song and reminder. I got Lynda Randle’s version. So good! I love that she has a y in her first name, too. 🙂 Love you.

  3. Oh Robyn, I can certainly relate to one moment, hour, day at a time. For 5 full years, for me, its exactly how I felt my grieving process that was also very positive and joyful all along the way. I then for no reason in particular, I started feeling like myself again. And now, taking it a day at a time still, my life has changed in the most beautiful ways. I think being able to pay attention and observe helped me. And I understand your songs coming to you as your angels just reminding you that you will get through this with help. I have many angels. They help me constantly. I wish you Happy☺️🎄♥️🎄☺️ Holidays

  4. Thank you, Robyn, for sharing … for reflection … for reminders, all of which are so very important. Wishing you and Emma the love and blessings of this season throughout the year(s) ahead. ❤️🎄❤️

  5. This is beautiful. I have had the experience of songs coming into my head and then realizing I was trying to tell myself something. You were brave to write all this. So glad you mentioned Mary during this advent season. She is at the heart of the Advent season and the Magnificat has to be some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing Robyn! Breathing in, and breathing out together and encouraged to listen to the songs in my own heart more and more. You’re loved and thank you for loving us.

  7. Thank you, dear Robyn, for this lovely sharing of your experience of the miracle of a song. Holding you and Emma in my heart today.

  8. Thank you, Robyn. I needed this reminder today. You shared this in such a clear and heart-felt way. Love to you and Emma.

  9. What courage you have, Robyn Banks!!! I am so glad that you are part of my ife, TODAY!!!! I have had one hour at a time moments, also. Thanks bunches.

  10. Robyn, thank you for your words. Being in a similar situation I can empathize with you. But I also have many visits from the angels. And believe me sweet woman it does get better; keep the songs coming!!! I’m not a musically inclined person but when it happens I enjoy it. Wishing you a blessed Christmas to you and Em. Rick.

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