Wisdom for Whom? – Calvary Episcopal Church

Wisdom for Whom?

Wisdom for Whom?

  • The Rev. Scott Walters
  • 08/15/2021
  • 13:38

It’s astonishing that stories written down more than 25 centuries ago, stories about two humans and a tree in a garden or a king who realizes he’ll need wisdom to rule well … it’s amazing that these stories speak so clearly and directly to life in a nuclear age of quarks and quantum computing and all the rest. What they ask is, “Do you have the wisdom, the moral discernment, to be entrusted with the knowledge or authority or power that you possess?” And too often, from that moment in the garden, to the U.N. climate report just last week, the answer has been a sobering, “No. No we don’t.” Too often we haven’t possessed the wisdom, or even the humility to ask for that wisdom, to use our knowledge or power to bring our lives and our world back into the wholeness we long for. The wholeness something in us knows we were made for.