What are you spreading? – Calvary Episcopal Church

What are you spreading?

What are you spreading?

  • The Rev. Scott Walters
  • 02/20/2022
  • 10:40

What are we spreading as Jesus’s Church? Is it the same old judgment and condemnation the world’s violent battles are made to arouse in us? Or does what we have to offer the world have a different source? A source that is mercy. A source that is love. Gift. Forgiveness. Give these away with your life, says Jesus, especially to your enemies and opponents, and these are what will come back to you and fill up your life. And when a good measure of some small mercy we’ve managed to give away, pressed down, shaken together, running over is put back into our laps, won’t we wonder why we spent even a moment of these short and precious lives of ours spreading anything less?