During this pandemic there are many ways to help:
- Make certain you have a Kroger card with Calvary Outreach selected as the recipient of Kroger’s contribution.
- Ask your workplace, gym, favorite non-profit, etc. or friends if they would allow us to put a bin in their space to collect men’s jeans for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
- Come sort and organize donated clothing Mondays and Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. at Calvary. Consider the options in the Sign-Up Genius.
- Consider a gift of men’s underwear or anything from the Amazon Wish List.
- Purchase a computer for Grizzlies Prep ($325). Send donations directly to Grizzlies Prep.
- Be an Angel for Outreach ($500/month) This purchases breakfast one Sunday for 180 guests.
- Volunteer with Room in the Inn.
- Knit for our neighbors. Contact Peg Wahl about joining those in the diocese who are knitting neck warmers for our guests this winter.
- Contact Ginger Graves about the shoe ministry by picking up recycled shoes for our neighbors at Fleet Feet.
- Pray for our neighbors.
For information, please contact Christine Todd or (901) 312-5214.